
back in the saddle...

I forgot how good it felt to have my "game face" on...being in the zone...not backing down from obstacles and challenges.

Sometimes, life kicks your ass to the curb. Sometimes you just stay down for awhile, licking your wounds. Life is a ruthless bitch that way. Sometimes...


Sometimes you catch your second wind. You get a faint whiff of a scent that is forever lodged in your memory. You get an old, familiar tingle of a sensation that you used to feel on a regular basis. Your senses slowly come alive. You start to see things more clearly, hear things without as much distortion.

Sometimes, you fight back against the obstacles and opposition. You kick. You punch. You bare your teeth. You roar. You get in the game. You find your footing. Sure, sometimes you stumble a bit on your way back - but you never stay down. You keep clawing your way out of the muck and mire until the soil under your feet is as firm and sure as your balance on it.

Sometimes, you breathe in hope and exhale optimism.

It feels good to be back in the saddle. It feels especially incredible to know others are back in the saddle as well. Everything comes full-circle eventually. It's just a matter of being patient, never giving up, and focusing on the possibilities. The possibilities are endless. Always.

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